Accessory for the Gargantua
Add a backrest to your Gargantua benches for extra comfort. These curved backrests follow the shape of the round picnic table and add even more to the architectural feeling of the table. Made from galvanized steel, these optional supports ideally match your Tool for Togetherness.
Galvanized steel

Galvanization is the most durable method for protecting metal from rusting. The metal is immersed in a zinc bath, which results in a protective layer. If the layer gets damaged, the metal under it will start rusting. However, any damage can be touched up with zinc paint available from any DIY store. Galvanized steel has a very long life span and is perfectly recyclable if necessary.
Choose wisely
We call it the George Clooney of coating techniques: its looks improve better with age... Our tools with galvanized surfaces are masters of camouflaging dirt, thanks to the material's rough texture. At first, galvanized pieces look very shiny, but they will gradually turn matte under the influence of sun and rain. Rain may also cause dark stains underneath the connection zones.
How to treat galvanized steel
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The Backrests is available in one dimension.