Cleaning wooden outdoor furniture

Once a year (+/- 45 min)

Depending on the weather conditions, wood needs a decent polish at least once a year. We recommend doing this before Spring when your furniture is outside the whole year round. Pick one of those humid, cloudy days, as it is better for the moisture level in the wood to dry out slowly after cleaning.


Follow the instructions below or in the video above

  • Protect the frame with robust tape.
  • Dampen the surface with water. Use a hose (no high-pressure cleaner!).
  • Pour Extremis Wood Cleaner into a bucket or container. Dip a nylon brush in the undiluted wood cleaner; it is best to wear gloves.
  • Scrub the treated area with the nylon brush working length-wise along the wood until it is clean.
    The product will foam. For stubborn stains, repeat the treatment.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water until all the foam has disappeared.
    Immediately rinse other parts of your furniture as well.
  • Leave to dry completely. (24h at 20°C ambient temperature. Ensure good air circulation).
  • Lightly sand down rougher areas of your garden table with a hand sanding block.
    Is the entire surface still too rough? Watch our how-to video: 'Machine sanding your wood'.

Done! Now you can choose whether to oil your wood and give it a protective layer or leave to it like that. Check out the instructions here

Wood cleaner


These are the tools you need

Extremis Wood Cleaner

It's a kind of magic

For a thorough cleaning, we can recommend our Extremis Wood Cleaner. This is a bio-degradable cleansing shampoo for wooden furniture. The product removes grey discolouration, green deposits and dirt. Should any cracks appear, you can simply sand them down by hand using 120 grit sandpaper.

Order here
Wood cleaner