Marina picnic
Part of the Marina collections
Long, longer, longest
The marvel of the Marina picnic design is that the tabletop is one seamless piece, creating a calm and uninterrupted aesthetic. With benches on both sides, this piece is a perfect example of the Extremis ‘Tools for Togetherness’ philosophy, bringing up to 26 people together at standard lengths of up to 7,15 meters.
1/2 Straightforward design
Creating unity and simplicity in every environment
2/2 Seemingly endless
Choose any length you want
Coated fiberglass
Coated fiberglass is a technique of applying wet paint to a fiberglass profiles. The paint is sprayed onto the profiles. The object is then placed in an oven to form a continuous film.
Choose wisely
Choose light colors, only if you are willing to clean the surface regularly. There is nothing uglier than a dirty piece of design furniture, right?
Structured powder coated zinced steel
Powder coating is a technique of applying dry paint to a part. The powdered paint is electrostatically charged and sprayed onto the object. The object is then placed in an oven and the powder particles melt and coalesce to form a continuous film.
Choose wisely
'Choose white powder coating, only when you are willing to clean the surface regularly. There is nothing uglier than a dirty piece of design furniture, right?
How to treat powder coated zinced steel
Click here
The Marina picnic is available in different lengths, weights and widths.